You already learned the 5 Simple Steps of the C.L.E.A.R™ process:
Sixteen (16) pre-recorded information and transformation packed calls to walk you through the next level of the ACT™ Belief Change System. It includes pre-recorded audio training, video training, and my comprehensive course materials. All modules and materials are posted on the exclusive online membership forum for your pre-work, templates, and forms. (Also included is about 6 hours of video, demonstrating how to properly complete all the new alignments that you'll learn and some of the accelerated steps of the change process!)
Upon registering, you can dive in immediately, and start learning how to accelerate your change process with these advanced alignments and change techniques right away.
This is an intensive Certification Program. Although you can do the program at your own pace, you should plan to invest about 4-5 hours per week to get the most out of this program. (This includes the pre-work, the recorded calls, and the practice time after the calls. There are sixteen (16) pre-recorded 2-hour group calls in the ACT™ Certification Program.)
The ACT™ Certification Program is designed to give you the ongoing guidance and support you need to help you become completely confident with the ACT™ tools. You get direct access to my 20+ years of wisdom and experience in facilitating subconscious belief change. Any and all questions are fair game- nothing is held back.
My ACT™ Certification Program includes access to my exclusive ACT™ Online Membership Area, where you can download your first assignment, get started, and network with the other amazing entrepreneurs who will be participating with you!
You’ll receive the exclusive ACT™ Symptom X Blueprint so you can walk through this belief-transforming process in a total step-by-step, paint-by-numbers process! Every step is clearly mapped out for you, flow chart style, so that you can follow easily. This is one of the keys to being able to confidently implement and use the ACT™ system right away, instead of needing weeks, months or years of experience to get started!
Just like the ACT Belief Change Blueprint, the Symptom X Blueprint is the roadmap to navigating the change process. I was told by industry leaders that it was impossible to map out this change, and that it simply could not be done. Well, all along I knew it was a system! That's how my "engineer" mind works... It wasn't easy, but this particular blueprint took over 20 years of hands-on experience and over 200 hours to map out and create. It's like having me right alongside you, as you facilitate the belief change for yourself. (Value: Priceless!)
A categorized list of Overall Goals that other participants have created in the program for the past several years. Over 250 Overall Goals organized by Physical/Health/Ideal Weight/Body, Financial/Business/Money/Career, Spiritual, Relationships, and More Categories that you can use for yourself!
I've been collecting thousands of belief statements since 1995 that I've personally aligned for myself and others. As a way to get you started right away, and start those creative juices flowing, you receive over 400 actual belief statements that you can use in 12 different business and life categories. You can "install" these statements directly into your subconscious mind exactly as they are, or change them to fit your exact goals.
NEW Belief Sheet Categories:
One of my big secrets to success is that I continue to pay close attention to the processes I use to get results for myself and while coaching clients and, from that, I created replicable systems.
You’ll receive all the latest updates and upgrades in the ACT™ 4.0 Home Study Program & ACT™ Belief Change Blueprint so you can walk through this belief-transforming process with yourself and your clients in a total step-by-step, paint-by-numbers process!
Every step is clearly mapped out for you, flow chart style, so that you can follow easily. This is one of the keys to being able to confidently implement and use the ACT™ system right away, instead of needing weeks, months or years of experience to get started!
The ACT Belief Change Blueprint is the roadmap to navigating the change process. I was told by industry leaders that it was impossible to map out this change, and that it simply could not be done. Well, all along I knew it was a system! That's how my "engineer" mind works... It wasn't easy, but this particular blueprint took over 20 years of hands-on experience and 200 hours to map out and create. It's like having me right alongside you, as you facilitate the belief change for yourself. (Value: Priceless!)
This program is designed to support you to change your and your clients’ beliefs like a pro, to identify the highest priority area to change for yourself and your clients that will give you the biggest results in the shortest amount of time, and how you can go about the process of using the ACT™ techniques to speed up the manifestation of your goals. It's a great opportunity to jump start your process of change and empower yourself with the ACT™ Belief Change System techniques so you're ready to make quantum leaps fast!
You'll be sent an invitation to join our exclusive online forum. There you'll find the entire "ACT™ Certification Program" steps laid out for you in a clear, easy-to-follow format.
Each module has assignments to complete from the program. You'll need to listen to the audio and/or watch the videos and go through the worksheets.
As you've come to expect from me, I'm not going to start comparing the price to cups of Starbucks coffee or new shoes. You already know it's a good deal and when you apply what you learn, you'll EASILY make your money back (probably with your first few new clients).
In the past, my Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Certification Program has only been available in my live 4-5 day workshops. There was the investment for the workshop, plus all the travel and meal expenses. And they are well worth every penny.
After all, what's it worth to you to have complete confidence and the tools to reach your dreams? And more importantly, what's the cost to you for NOT achieving your dreams? (Besides a lifetime of regret?)
You'll be making changes right away AND you'll feel confident while you're doing it. What is that worth to you? I think it's priceless, when you consider that it makes all the difference in achieving your goals faster and easier, and without all the struggle.
You'll more than make your investment back after your first few new clients. Plus, this is about feeling GOOD about charging what you're worth, getting paid doing what you love, and knowing you're able to serve and share your brilliance AND be paid handsomely while you're doing it.
The investment for this ACT Certification Program for practitioners is $10,000.
And because this is a new BETA Program, you get it all for just $7500.
All I ask is that you give me feedback during the program that I can incorporate into making future Certification Programs even better.
When you consider how quickly you'll be changing beliefs and achieving lifelong dreams, visions and goals for yourself and your clients, and you'll see how affordable this investment in yourself really is.
And remember with ACT™, you've already learned the secrets behind changing your limiting beliefs in an average of 2-5 minutes. Not days, weeks, months, or years.
I understand I'm going to get the Accelerated Change Template Certification Program where I learn to choose my goals, and elicit and align the highest priority beliefs I need to change in order to get paid and build a business doing work I love with profit, purpose and impact, and gain the confidence that comes with all parts of my mind in alignment with my goals and being ready.
I understand that I’ll receive:
Sixteen (16) pre-recorded group information and transformation packed calls, including Q&A time
Plus, I’ll receive these Bonuses:
...all for just $7500!
Regular Investment: | $10,000 - Includes all training and certification set forth above ($5000 for Individuals, $5000 for Groups) |
Initial Launch Investment: | $7500 - Special Pricing when you enroll in ACT Certification within 30 days of completing the ACT Virtual Bootcamp or ACT Certification initial launch ($5000 for Individuals, $2500 for Groups) |
Renewal Year 2-3: |
$1997 - Renewal for Individual & Group Certification Both include Annual Renewal Requirements, Monthly Group Calls, optional re-attendance at ACT Virtual Bootcamp and ACT Certification Program ($5,000 Value), as well as continued ACT Certified Practitioner Status |
Renewal Year 4+: | $997 - Includes renewal for both Individuals & Groups, Monthly Group Calls, optional re-attendance at ACT Virtual Bootcamp and ACT Certification Program ($10,000 Value), as well as continued ACT Certified Practitioner Status |
Lifetime Certification: | $10,000 - One-time investment. No annual renewal fees required. Completion of annual renewal requirements & monthly group calls are still required |
Optional Joint Venture: | Collaborate and co-lead training program with Nikkea to embed ACT™ in your business or personal development program at an agreed upon revenue share. This option waives both the Individual and Group Renewal Requirements and Renewal Fees. |
Payment Plans Are Available In Easy Monthly Payments!!
(Payments will be processed in 30 day increments.)
Payment Plans Are Available In Easy Monthly Payments!!
(Payments will be processed in 30 day increments.)
Payment Plans Are Available In Easy Monthly Payments!!
(Payments will be processed in 30 day increments.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the nature of and commitment to become an ACT™ Certified Practitioner, there are no refunds or cancellations. If you decide to discontinue your participation in the Certification Program, you may transfer the unused portion of the Program to another approved program/offering with Nikkea B. Devida and/or Soaring Entrepreneur, Inc. within 60 days of enrollment.
If you are no-kidding ready to step out of wishing, wanting, and hoping into CLAIMING the life of your dreams, I invite you to register for the ACT Certification Program.
(Payments will be processed in 30 day increments.)
Rest easy - your order will be processed on secure servers.
Modules 1 - 3: You’ll learn how to work with others on the Fundamentals of ACT™
Module 4: You'll learn about when you need an Acceleration Activity, and how to Align Multiple Beliefs at the same time (includes video).
Modules 5-6 & 13: You'll learn 12 additional ACT Alignment processes to add to your accelerated change toolkit (includes video).
Modules 7-8: You’ll learn about Secondary Gain and Step-by-Step Belief Change with the ACT Symptom X Blueprint: Step-by-Step tutorial to demonstrate exactly how to facilitate a belief change session from beginning to end with the ACT Symptom X Blueprint. There will also be a "hot seat" belief change session on the recorded call (includes video).
Module 9: You'll also learn an advanced use of the AIM™ process.
Module 10: You'll learn how to install a Protective Energy Shield so you're energy is protected wherever you go and whomever you're around.
Modules 11-12: You’ll learn Advanced Applications of ACT™ and how to work with individuals and groups from a distance.
Module 14: Learn how to work with clients, setting up client files, history and intake forms, disclaimers
Modules 15-16: Recording of open belief change and Q&A Call.
To Your Accelerated Growth, Freedom & Success!
Nikkea B. Devida
P.S. This is a very intimate, small group program and I have a limited number of spaces in the program.. So if this speaks to you, register now to reserve your spot.
Make sure you don't miss the opportunity if it's meant for you!
"I was experiencing fear about public speaking and struggled with feelings around lack of safety, self-worth and value.
I've struggled with this problem for years which has caused me to hold back from getting my message and blessings to my
soul tribe. I decided that I would take the next step when I felt safe. I worked with Nikkea on this whole area of fear,
self-judgment, and being seen. Almost immediately after our sessions began, I felt safe enough to do whatever it took to
move me beyond the fear into the clarity and success.
After I did the ACT belief change process, I noticed that I was happy about presenting to the group and having a conversation with my prospects. I was able to free up my limiting beliefs and step into courageous vulnerability. I was finally able to put the presentation (conversation) together and share it.
During the course of the ACT class, my quarterly income tripled! My business income is producing more clients who are attracted to my services. I am getting out into the public more and saying Yes! to invitations to talk about my process.
I am definitely willing to be seen and heard now - this will transform my business. My heart and soul are overflowing with gratitude to Nikkea and her ACT programs. Nikkea's innate ability to meet me right where I was, without judgment or expectation, allowed me the safe sacred space to heal my limiting subconscious beliefs. In doing this, I am now able to face the next steps with confidence and joy knowing I am on the right track and I am fulfilling my life purpose.
Nikkea, I thank God everyday for bringing you and your work, your heart and your soul, into my life. You truly are a God- send!
Velma Alford
Family Alignment Method Mentor
"I have been in business 20 years and have enjoyed a very successful hypnosis weight loss practice. However, last year
my husband, almost died from kidney cancer, spent 5 weeks in the hospital, and my telephone just quit ringing. I understood that God knew that I could not keep up with my present workload and care for my husband, but I still had bills to pay. For the first time in my life, instead of expecting abundance and prosperity to show up, I began to live in fear and lack.
Thank goodness I invested in myself by enrolling in Nikkea's, Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Programs. WOW! What can I say, by learning how to practice ACT™ with myself I was able to let go of the limiting beliefs that were holding me back. I am excited to tell you that I doubled my income last month! In fact, I earned more in the first 20 days in July than I had earned monthly in the last 9 years. YEA!
Powerful work, and I'm glad I took part in it!!
I definitely plan to continue practicing ACT™ with myself to keep my life and business in harmony. Plus I have incorporated ACT™ into my already successful hypnosis weight loss practice, and my clients love it! Thanks Nikkea. "
Linda Allred
THE Bad Habit Breaker/Certified Hypnotist
ACT Master Practitioner
NOTE 1: It is permitted to become an ACT Certified Practitioner at the Individual Certification Level only. Those seeking Certification at the Group level must also fulfill the Individual Certification requirements.
ACT™ Certification Benefits:
Other Requirements:
ACT Certified Practitioners may NOT teach or train others the ACT Belief Change System. (Note: ACT Certified Practitioners will be first candidates to be eligible to become ACT Certified Trainers.)
Annual Renewal Requirements (Year 2 & 3)
Annual Renewal Requirements (Year 4+)
NOTE 2: Both Certification Programs and Annual Renewal Requirements may be accelerated at the sole discretion of Nikkea B. Devida upon meeting the Certification Requirements and demonstrating proficiency with the ACT Certification materials.
NOTE 3: Failure to comply with the above ACT Certification Program &/or Annual Renewal Requirements will result in practitioner being deregistered as an ACT Certified Practitioner, and forfeiting the ACT Certification Benefits. The Other Requirements and Exclusions remain in effect. In order to re-register as an ACT Certified Practitioner, you will be required to repeat either the ACT Certification Program or Annual Renewal Requirements.
Keep Your Beliefs Positive
Your Beliefs Become Your Thoughts
Your Thoughts Become Your Words
Your Words Become Your Actions
Your Actions Become Your Habits
Your Habits Become Your Values
Your Values Become Your Destiny
So, your BELIEFS become your DESTINY.
Isn't it time for YOU to Design Your Destiny?
This Is Your Next Step...
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
Soaring Entrepreneur, Inc.